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Who Are You – School 2015


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English Title :  
Who Are You – School 2015
Korean Title :  
中文題目 :  
Who Are You——学校2015
タイトル :  
Who Are You- 学校2015
Genre :  
Aired On :  
Subtitles Available :  
Writer :  
Kim Hyeon-jeong, Kim Min-jeong
Director :  
Baek Sang-hoon, Kim Seong-yoon
Cast :  
Kim So-hyeon, Nam Ju-hyeok, Yuk Seong-jae, Kim Hee-jeong
Production Year :  
Duration :  
70min * 16eps



As the 6th work of KBS’ representative teen drama <School> series, <Who Are You – School 2015> will realistically describe the youth lives and various sensibilities of 18-year-old students and the stories of teachers and parents around them.

The series includes various episodes happening in school around a high school student heroin ‘Lee Eun-bi’ whose fate has been changed from being an outcast to becoming an it-girl at a prestige school in Gangnam. Through these episodes, <Who Are You – School 2015> will show in depth the stories of those at the quite sensitive and susceptible age of 18 and of their moms who share their painful growth together.

Lee Eun-bi Cast Kim So-hyeon
A second-year student at Nuri High School with a positive, hopeful attitude. She is a 13-year veteran big sister at the orphanage ‘House of Love’ and warm-hearted ‘superwoman’ for the younger ones. While she is always saying ‘Things like magic never happen.’ or ‘I’d rather believe the savings in my bank account than those sweet children’s stories’, at the same time she believes the magical story of A Little Princess a little bit. She is just a lonely and empty-hearted 18-year-old little girl who misses her mom’s hug.

Ko Eun-byeol Cast Kim So-hyeon
A second grader at Segang High School. She has never missed being at the top of her class since middle school. In a word, she is a perfect girl who has all of the qualities like being a good looking, having an upper-class family, and having absolutely perfect grades. But she suddenly disappears during a school field trip without any clues.

Han I-an Cast Nam Ju-hyeok
A sports star at Segang High School. Eunbyeol’s 10-year childhood friend. A student athlete admitted at Segang High School only with his talent in swimming. So he is stricter on himself and a man of principle who never allows failure or mistake. There are two reasons I-an does not get discouraged by and keeps his pride among those Segang High School students thinking nothing of carrying luxurious bags or wearing several million won coat. One is swimming that he likes the best, and the other is perhaps Eun-byeol who he likes as much as the swimming or even more.

Gong Tae-gwang Cast Yuk Seong-jae
Segang’s troublemaker like a time bomb that nobody knows when it is going to explode. Since the school was founded, he has been the unprecedented, unparalleled yahoo and the greatest weirdo in history, and for a variety of reasons, making mob, vandalism, and menace not series businesses, he has been always ready to transfer to another school or be suspended. Because of that, wandering around more than ten schools, he became the ‘special student’ unforeseeable, and for the last option he came to Segang High School. He has an exceptional thinking scope and is bold.


KBS代表电视剧《学校》的第六个系列《Who Are You——学校2015》是一部青春校园电视剧,除了真实和细腻地描述18岁的真挚而多样感性情怀,还讲述了伴随他们一起成长的老师和父母的故事。

作品以一直被人孤立、却在一天早晨颠覆成为江南名牌高中——世江高中风云人物的女高中生“李恩菲”为主线,讲述在学校里发生的各种趣事。敏感脆弱的18岁,《Who Are You——学校2015》要真挚而深入地讲述他们与陪同他们走过惨痛成长过程的母亲故事。

李恩菲 cast 金所炫

高恩星 cast 金所炫

韩伊安 cast 南柱赫

孔太光 cast 陆星材


KBSの代表ドラマ「学校」の6番目のシリーズ「Who Are You- 学校2015」は、18歳の学生たちの素直で多様な感性と彼らを巡る先生や親の話しを、リアルで繊細に描いた青春学園ドラマである。
この作品は、いじめっ子から一晩で江南の名門高校の売れっ子に生まれ変わった女子高校生「イ・ウンビ」を中心に、校内で広がる様々なエピソードを盛り込んでいる。多感な年頃である18歳。「Who Are You - 学校2015」は彼らと、彼らと共に成長していく母親の話を、真率で深く語る予定である。

イ・ウンビ cast キム・ソヒョン

コ・ウンビョル cast キム・ソヒョン

ハ・イアン cast ナム・ジュヒョク

コン・テグァン cast ユク・ソンジェ