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Always Sunshine

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English Title :  
Always Sunshine
Korean Title :  
그래도 푸르른날에
中文題目 :  
タイトル :  
Genre :  
Aired On :  
Subtitles Available :  
Writer :  
Kim Ji-soo, Park Cheol
Director :  
Eo Soo-seon
Cast :  
Song Ha-yoon, Lee Hae-woo, Jeong Yi-yeon, Kim Min-soo
Production Year :  
Duration :  
30min * 129eps



Young-hee was born as a child of concubine, but soon switched with the child of legal wife twice. Due to these subsequent attempts to switch two babies, Young-hee’s fate is totally messed up. Not knowing her baby has been switched once again, Ae-sim, Yeong-hee’s real mother, only cares Jeong-hee, thinking she is her real daughter. One day, Ae-sim and Jeong-hee suddenly disappear with all family’s property and it makes Young-hee’s life tougher than ever.

Being 18 years old, Young-hee becomes a popular high school girl with her pretty looks and brightness. But she still lives under the stigma of being a child of concubine who is the reason of family downfall. Young-hee’s aunt, Min-ja treats her so badly and she is like a servant girl in the house. Finally Min-ja decides to send Young-hee to her relative’s house in Seoul as a housekeeper.

Young-hee’s life in Seoul is still tough for her. The circumstances are totally different from her previous ones, so even this positive and bright girl has hard times getting accustomed to a new family. There she meets In-ho and these two young people gradually start to feel love each other. However, noticing some clues about their relationship, In-ho’s mother Yi-soon tries to separate them. In addition, as Eun-a, who was once Young-hee’s half sister Jeong-hee, appears in front of her, the relationship among them goes complicated more and more.

NAME Lee Young-hee
CAST Song Ha-yoon
Being an orphan, she is raised up by her aunt who treats her badly. As a head of household, there aren’t many jobs she hasn’t tried. Despite her harsh fate, she has grown up as a bright and strong-willed girl who tides over the difficulties.

NAME Seo In-ho
CAST Lee Hae-woo
Young-hee’s first love and the only love. Son of the house where Young-hee was in domestic service. He is taking business training in his father’s company. Despite his parents’ opposition, he never gives up his love towards Young-hee.

NAME Jang Eun-a
CAST Jeong Yi-yeon
Young-hee’s half sister whose name was once Lee Jeong-hee, but is raised up as Ae-sim’s daughter. She has crushed on In-ho at first sight and tries to be married him. She has a greedy personality who tries to possess everything she wants.

NAME Park Dong-soo
CAST Kim Min-soo
Young-hee’s close friend raised in the same village. At some point, he starts to love Young-hee and tries to protect her from the adversities, staying nearby her.


《依然绿茵的日子》是一部出身高贵,却过着贫寒生 活的主人公永希的青春记事簿和成功记。希望与绝 望、欣喜与悲伤不断席卷而来的动荡70年代的长篇 叙事诗。


ヨンヒは生みの母に捨てられ、父も亡くなった本家 で、酷くいびられながら育つ。 10代の時、家族の生 活費や学費を稼ぐため上京した彼女は、家政婦を始 め、バスの車掌、女工、露天商、化粧品の訪問販売な ど、あらゆる厳しい職業を転々としながら働く。しか し、 それにもかかわらず、心折れず、何度転んでも再 び起き上がり、走り続ける…。たとえ、立ち向かって は敗れ、信じては裏切られ、傷だらけになっていても、 むしろより輝く。そんな彼女の青春や成功の物語。