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Lovers of Music


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English Title :  
Lovers of Music
Korean Title :  
트로트의 연인
中文題目 :  
タイトル :  
Genre :  
Aired On :  
Subtitles Available :  
Writer :  
Oh Seon-hyeong
Director :  
Lee Jae-sang, Lee Eun-jin
Cast :  
Ji Hyun-woo, Jeong Eun-ji(A-pink), Shin Seong-rok, Lee Se-young
Production Year :  
Duration :  
70min * 16eps



A man who hates teuroteu music but a musical genius meets a lady who knows only teuroteu songs and big looser in real world. Will ‘The project of making a Teuroteu Queen’ which is their desperate effort to survive succeed?

“Lovers of Music” is a romantic comedy drama which is about a lady Chunhee Choi. She is in a miserable living condition with her dad who always makes troubles and her sister who always in needs. But she tries hard to keep positive attitude and meets a musical genius Junhyeon Jang who was a big superstar once but selfish and hates teuroteu songs. However, he makes her be a big teuroteu star.

Junhyun Jang (casted by Hyeonwoo Ji)
A top star artist. His music has not only musicality but also popularity. In one sentence, “He has everything”, even physical attractiveness. But unfortunately he has terrible characteristics, which are so detailed, obsessive and no consideration what so ever to others. He thinks he is the center of the world. He fell in love for the first time with Suin Park who wants to be a star but being controlled by her mother.
She manipulated him and used him for her own good but he thought she was an angel. He loves all kinds of music but not Country & Teuroteu. Why? Because he thought those music belong to low class people. Ironically, he has to support a Teuroteu singer who belongs to that low class in the end!

Chunhee Choi (casted by Eunji Jeong)
She is one of the very typical new generation who has to give up 5 important things in life, such as romance, marriage, having a kid, building a relationship,
and owning her home. She is in charge of her troubled family because her dad is always causing troubles and her sister is always in needs due to her immature behavior.
Once she was about to be a marathon star. But she failed just before she reached finish line because she was not able to manage her pace due to her strong desire to win, so she was taken to ER(emergency room). During her school year, she was a quiet person without any distinguished merit or talent. Therefore, even her homeroom teacher doesn’t recognize her at all. But when she sings teuroteu songs on stage, she sparkles like a star. She doesn’t know how to read notes but memorizes everything she hears once.




张俊贤 (cast 池贤宇)
最佳的明星艺术家。善于即兴演奏的出色的作曲家。同时具备大众性与音乐性。用一句话来概括就是很优秀。外表也长的非常英俊。只可惜不幸的是他却非常缺乏人性。他小气、令人讨厌、执拗、目中无人,他的字典里没有换位思考的概念。他的世界是以自我为中心转动的。Shine Star练习生、所谓“妈妈朋友女儿”的、TROT老太爷的女儿朴秀仁是他的初恋。虽然被她利用,可还以为她是个天使。他喜爱并深爱着所有的音乐。除了乡村音乐和TROT之外。为什么呢?不必多说,这些音乐太土了。这样的他却支持上了土里土气的TROT歌手,而且还爱上了这个女歌手。为了爱她,他甚至赌上性命也在所不辞。人生就是这样无法预测。

崔春熙 (cast 郑恩地)





